lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020

Macbeth (1997)

Shakespeare. Macbeth. Dir. Jeremy Freeston. Cast: Jason Connery, Helen Baxendale, Graham McTavish, Hildegard Neil. Photog. Dave Miller. Ed. Owen Parker and Chris Gormlie. Assist. Dir. Brian Blessed. Music by Paul Farrer. Exec. Prod. Bob Carruthers, David McWhinnie, Gary Russell and George Mitchell. Prod. Shona Donaldson. Cromwell Productions / La Mancha Productions / Grampian Television / Macbeth PLC, 1996.


On Javanese Puppet Shows


III Muestra de Teatro Amateur Villa de Biescas

sábado, 24 de octubre de 2020

The Human Voice



Shakespeare. A Performance of Macbeth, by William Shakespeare. TV prod. Royal Shakespeare Company, dir. Trevor Nunn. Cast: Ian McKellen, Judi Dench, John Woodvine and Bob Peck. YouTube (John Baxter) 17 Oct. 2019.*


Richard III - Hofstra Shakespeare Festival

Richard III (1946) - Radio drama starring Laurence Olivier and Ralph Richardson

Shakespeare. Richard III by William Shakespeare. Adapt. For radio drama. Cast: Laurence Olivier, Ralph Richardson, et al. Old Vic Theatre Company / CBS Columbia Workshop, 1946. Audio. YouTube (Roman Styran) 6 June 2015.*




Panóptico Miope

Shakespeare's Globe - Culture Recovery Fund


Henry IV (Shakespeare) - Full play | 2017

Shakespeare. Henry IV. (Full Play). Adapted from Shakespeare's Henry IV Part I and Part II. Dir. Sven Delarivière. Brussels Shakespeare Society. Filmed at the Petit Varia, Brussels, 2017. YouTube (Alasil) 7 Oct. 2017.*


viernes, 23 de octubre de 2020

Enrique V de Laurence Olivier (Castellano)

Macbeth ----- William Shakespeare

Shakespeare. Macbeth. Dir. Arthur Allan Seidelman. Cast: Jeremy Brett, Piper Laurie, Simon MacCorkindale, Richard Alfieri, Barry Primus, Millie Perkins, Alan Oppenheimer, Franlyn Seales, Jay Robinson, Fight staging by Robert Aberdeen, Music: Gerald Bernard Cohen, Costumes by Dorothy Baca, Prod. Des. John Retsek. Art exec. Prod. Jack Manning. Prod. Jack Nakano. Shakespeare Video Society / Bard Productions Ltd., 1981. YouTube (Rania Ecrivain Channel) 21 Aug. 2013.*




Looking for Richard: A Mockumentary

Thackeray - The End of the Play


martes, 20 de octubre de 2020

THE DUCHESS OF MALFI - Edinburgh Fringe Festival @ C Venues

'The Duchess of Malfi' by John Webster: context, characters and themes

The Duchess of Malfi by John Webster

Todo ceremonia, todo teatro

Skull Beneath the Skin

John Webster (Wikipedia)

Richard III - Directed by Sharon Robinson

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2020

Esto Es Teatro

The Human Social Organism

Una auténtica mascarada

Ben Jonson, VOLPONE (Project Gutenberg)



The Dramaturgic Analogy


The Elizabethan Age in English Literature


Lacombe Lucien


miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2020

The Music of the Night - Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera

Performing Jonson - Volpone

University of York TFTV


Volpone o el zorro de Ben Jonson / Laboratorio de la Máscara

Volpone (The Fox) - A comic opera

Drama about Jimmy Savile scandal


Doctor Faustus and Master Marlowe


Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors | 2019

martes, 6 de octubre de 2020

The Globe Theatre

Against transgender for youngsters


William Percy


Garrick, Shakespeare, y la paradoja del comediante


Garrick, Shakespeare, y la paradoja del comediante:

Vaughan Williams, Riders to the Sea

Vaughan Williams, Ralph. Riders to the Sea (Les Cavaliers de la Mer). Opera based on John  Millington Synge's play. YouTube (classic-intro net) 11 Sept. 2018.*




Fulke Greville


domingo, 4 de octubre de 2020



Possession: Dos reseñas


José Angel García Landa. "Possession: Dos reseñas." Net Sight de José Angel García Landa 11 july 2015.*

2015  DISCONTINUED 2020 – Online at the Internet Archive:



sábado, 3 de octubre de 2020

Monólogos científicos


Creencias socialmente adaptativas


Williams, Daniel. (U of Cambridge). "Socially Adaptive Belief." ResearchGate (Nov. 2019).*


Malo, Pablo. "Creencias socialmente adaptativas." Evolución y neurociencias 29 Feb. 2020.*


Oscars 2015