viernes, 21 de mayo de 2021

Disrespecting the Sacred in Religion and Drama


Robert Lovelace's thoughts on disrespecting the sacred, and on theatre as "the epitome of the world", in Richardson's Clarissa (vol. IV, letter ix):

I could make some pretty observations upon one or two places of the lady's meditation: but, wicked as I am thought to be, I never was so abandond as to turn into ridicule, or even to treat with levity, things sacred. I think it the highest degree of ill manners to jest upon those subjects which the world in general look upon with veneration, and call divine. I would not even treat the mythology of the heathen to a heathen, with the ridicule that perhaps would fairly lie from some of the absurdities that strike every common observer. Nor, when at Rome, and in other popish countries, did I ever behave shockingly at those ceremonies which I thought very extraordianry: for I saw some people affected, and seemingly edified, by them; and I contented myself to think, though they were beyond my comprehension, that if they answered any good end to the many, there was religion enough in them, or civil policy at least, to exempt them from the ridicule of even a bad man who had common sense and good manners.

For the like reason I have never given noisy or tumultuous instances of dislike to a new play, if I thought it ever so indifferent: for I concluded, first, that every one was entitled to see quietly what he paid for: and, next, as the theatre (the epitome of the world) consisted of pit, boxes, and gallery, it was hard, I thought, if there could be such a performance exhibited as would not please somebody in that mixed multitude: and, if it did, those somebodies had as much right to enjoy their own judgments undisturbedly as I had to enjoy mine.

This was my way of showing my disapprobation; I never went again. And as a man is at his option, whehter he will go to a play or not, he has not the same excuse for expressing his dislike clamorously as if he were compelled to see it.


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