domingo, 15 de octubre de 2023

Teatro inglés renacentista (A Bibliography)


A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Renaissance English drama (1500-1660)



Early works






Anglo, Sydney. Spectacle, Pageantry, and Early Tudor Policy. Oxford, 1969.

Alexander, Michael. "4. Shakespeare and the Drama." In Alexander, A History of English Literature. 2nd ed. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. 107-37.*

Bentley, Gerald Eades. The Jacobean and Caroline Stage. 7 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1941-68.

Bevington, David. "14. Literature and the Theatre." In The Cambridge History of Early Modern English Literature. (3. The Era of Elizabeth and James VI). Ed. David Loewenstein and Janel Mueller. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002. 2004. 428-56.*

Blamires, Harry. "Elizabethan Drama." In Blamires, A Short History of English Literature. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 1989. 40-63.*

_____. "Jacobean Drama." In Blamires, A Short History of English Literature. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 1989. 64-80.*

Braunmuller, A. R., and Michael Hattaway, eds. The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003.

Breight, Curtis. Surveillance, Militarism and Drama in the Elizabethan Era. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1996.

Bristol, Michael D. Carnival and Theatre: Plebeian Culture and the Structure of Authority in Renaissance England. London: Methuen, 1985.

_____. Carnival and Theatre: Plebeian Culture and the Structure of Authority in Renaissance Britain. London: Routledge, 1990.

Brown, John Russell, and Bernard Harris, eds. Jacobean Theatre. (Stratford-upon-Avon Studies, 1). London: Arnold, 1960.

_____, eds. Jacobean Theatre. New York, 1967.

_____, eds. Elizabethan Theatre. London: Arnold, 1974.

Bulman, James. (Allegheny College, Meadville, Pennsylvania). "10. Caroline Drama." In The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama. Ed. A. R. Braunmuller and Michael Hattaway. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003.*

Burster, Douglas. Quoting Shakespeare: Form and Culture in Early Modern Drama. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2001.

Butler, M. Theatre and Crisis 1632-1642. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1984.

_____. "19. Literature and the Theatre to 1660." In The Cambridge History of Early Modern English Literature. (4. The Earlier Stuart Era). Ed. David Loewenstein and Janel Mueller. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002. 2004. 565-602.*

Chambers, Edmund K. The Elizabethan Stage. 4 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1923.

Clark, Eva Turner. "Elizabethan Stage Scenery More Elaborate Than Ordinarily Believed." Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (American Branch) (Oct. 1941). Rpt. in Shakespeare-Oxford.


Cohen, Walter. The Drama of a Nation: Public Theater in Renaissance England and Spain. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1985.

Cotton, Nancy. Women Playwrights in England c. 1363-1750. Associated UPs, 1980.

Cox, John D., and David Scott Kastan, eds. A New History of Early English Drama. Foreword by Stephen Greenblatt. New York: Columbia UP, 1998.

Daiches, David. "Drama from the Miracle Plays to Marlowe." In Daiches, A Critical History of English Literature. 2 vols. London: Secker and Warburg, 1960. 208-45.*

_____. "Drama from Jonson to the Closing of the Theatres." In Daiches, A Critical History of English Literature. 2 vols. London: Secker and Warburg, 1960. 309-45.*

Dawson, Anthony B. "The Impasse over the Stage." English Literary Renaissance (1991): 309-327.

_____. "The Theatre in Elizabethan Culture," special introduction for Ardenonline (1998).

Díaz Fernández, José Ramón, Luciano García García, José Manuel González Fernández de Sevilla and Purificación Ribes. "El teatro inglés de la primera parte del siglo XVII hoy." In Actas XXVIII Congreso Internacional / International Conference AEDEAN. CD-ROM. Valencia: U de València, 2005.*

DiGangi, Mario. The Homoerotics of Early Modern Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997.

Dollimore, Jonathan. Radical Tragedy: Religion, Ideology and Power in the Drama of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries. Brighton: Harvester, 1984; Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989.

_____. From Radical Tragedy. In Modern Literary Theory: A Reader. Ed. Philip Rice and Patricia Waugh. 3rd ed. London: Arnold, 1996. 159-72.*

Doran, Madeline. Endeavors of Art: A Study of Form in Elizabethan Drama. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1954.

Eliot, T. S. "Four Elizabethan Dramatists." 1924. In Eliot, Selected Essays. 3rd. ed. London: Faber, 1951. 109-17.

_____. Essays on Elizabethan Drama. New York, 1936.

_____. Essays on Elizabethan Drama. 1960. (? = Elizabethan Dramatists. London: Faber)

_____. Elizabethan Essays. London: Faber, 1934.

Enright, D. J. "Elizabethan and Jacobean Comedy." In The Age of Shakespeare. Vol. 2 of The New Pelican Guide to English Literature. Ed. Boris Ford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982. Rev. 1993. 471-83.*

Finke, Laurie A. "Painting Women: Images of Femininity in Jacobean Tragedy." Theatre Journal 36 (1984): 357-70.

Foakes, R. A. "Playhouses and Players." In The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama. Ed. A. R. Braunmuller and Michael Hattaway. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990. 1-52.

Gillies, John, and Virginia Mason Vaughan. Astrophil and Stella and Love's Labor's Lost." In Playing the Globe: Genre and Geography in English Renaissance Drama. Madison (NJ): Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1998.

González Fernández de Sevilla, José Manuel. "Political Strategies of Drama in Renaissance England." Actas del I Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Renacentistas Ingleses (SEDERI) / Proceedings of the I National Conference of the Spanish Society for English Renaissance Studies. Ed. Javier Sánchez. Zaragoza: SEDERI, 1990.  95-104.*

Goodblatt, Chanita. Jewish and Christian Voices in English Reformation Biblical Drama: Enacting Family and Monarchy. (Routledge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture). London and New York: Taylor and Francis-Routledge, 2018.* 


Greenblatt, Stephen. Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare. New York and London: Norton, 2004.*

Gurr, Andrew. The Shakespearean Stage, 1574-1642. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992.*

_____. Playgoing in Shakespeare's London. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987. 2nd ed. 1996.*

Harbage, Alfred. Cavalier Drama. Philadelphia, 1936.

Harrison, G. B. Elizabethan Plays and Players.

Hidalgo, Pilar. "Social Energy and Renaissance Drama." In Hidalgo, Paradigms Found: Feminist, Gay, and New Historicist Readings of Shakespeare. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi, 2001. 99-126.*

Howard, Jean E. The Stage and Social Struggle in Early Modern England.  London: Routledge, 1993.

_____. Theater of a City. Forthcoming 1999. (Early 17th drama).

Hunter, G. K. English Drama 1586-1642: The Age of Shakespeare. Vol. VI of The Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. Rpt. 2008.* (Orig. English Drama 1586-1642: Shakespeare and His Age, numbered vol. IV part 2).

Ingram, William. The Business of Playing: The Beginnings of the Adult Public Theater in Elizabethan London. 1992.

Jardine, Lisa. Still Harping on Daughters: Women and Drama in the Age of Shakespeare.  Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989.

Kamps, Ivo. Staging History: Historiography, Ideology, and Literary Form in the Stuart Drama. Forthcoming 1995.

Kastan, D., and P. Stallybrass, eds. Staging the Renaissance: Reinterpretations of Shakespearean and Jacobean Drama. Durham (NC): Duke UP, 1991.

Kaufmann, R. J., ed. Elizabethan Drama. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1961.

Kinney, Arthur F., ed. A Companion to Renaissance Drama. (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture). Wiley-Blackwell, 2004.

Klein, David. Literary Criticism from the Elizabethan Dramatists; repertory and Synthesis. Foreword J. E. Spingarn. New York: Sturgis and Walton, 1910.

Knights, L. C. Drama and Society in the Age of Jonson. London: Chatto & Windus, 1937.

_____. Drama and Society in the Age of Jonson. London: Methuen, 1977.

Leech, C. and T. W. Craik, gen. eds. The Revels History of Drama in English. Vol. 3, 1576-1613. London: Methuen, 1975.*

Leggatt, Alexander. English Drama: Shakespeare to the Restoration, 1590-1660. (Longman Literature in English Series). London: Longman, 1988.

Legouis, Émile. "English Theatre 1520-1578." From Legouis and Cazamian's History of English Literature. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 10 Oct. 2012.*


_____. "The Drama until Shakespeare." From Legouis and Cazamian's A History of English Literature. Online at Vanity Fea 15 Oct. 2019.* (Lyly, Peele, Kyd, Marlowe, Greene).


Levin, Richard. New Readings vs. Old Plays: Recent Trends in the Interpretation of English Renaissance Drama. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1979.

Long, William B. "'Precious Few': English Manuscript Playbooks." In A Companion to Shakespeare. Ed. David Scott Kastan. Oxford: Blackwell, 1999. 414-33.*

Loomba, Ania. Gender, Race, Renaissance Drama. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1989.

_____. Gender, Race, Renaissance Drama. (Oxford India Paperbacks). New Delhi: Oxford UP, 1992.

López-Peláez Casellas, Jesús. "Some Notes on the Construction of the Other in XVIIth Century English Drama." In First International Conference on English Studies: Past, Present and Future: Costa de Almería, 19-25 de Octubre, 1997. Ed. Annette Gomis et al. CD-ROM. Almería: U de Almería, n.d. [2001]*

Mann, David. The Elizabethan Player: Contemporary Stage Representation. London: Routledge, 1991.

Martínez-García, Laura, and Raquel Serrano García, eds. (Re)defining Gender In Early Modern English Drama: Power, Sexualities And Ideologies In Text And Performance. De Gruyter-MIP, 2020.

McAlindon, Tom. English Renaissance Tragedy. London: Macmillan, 1986. Rpt. 1988.*

McLuskie, Kathleen E. Renaissance Dramatists. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989.

McRae, Andrew. Renaissance Drama. (Contexts series). London: Arnold, 2003.

Mousley, Andrew. Renaissance Drama and Contemporary Literary Theory. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.*

Mroczkowska-Brand, Katarzyn. Overt Theatricality and the "Theatrum mundi" Metaphor in Spanish and English drama, 1570-1640. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, cop. 1985, print 1989.

Mullaney, Steven. The Place of the Stage: License, Play, and Power in Renaissance England. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1988.

Parrott, Thomas M., and Robert H. Ball. A Short View of Elizabethan Drama. New York, 1943.

Pavel, Thomas G. The Poetics of Plot: The Case of English Renaissance Drama. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1985.*

Rabkin, Norman. Drama of the English Renaissance: Volume 1: The Tudor Period. Prentice-Hall, 1976.

Rabkin, N., and R. Fraser, eds. Drama of the English Renaissance. 2 vols. New York: Macmillan, 1976.

Ricks, Christopher, ed. English Drama to 1710. London: Sphere, 1971.*

Schwanecke, Christine. "4. Stories in Conflict and Competition: Alternative Histories, Complementary Tales, and Lies in Early Modern Drama." In Schwanecke, A Narratology of Drama. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter, 2022.  97-147. (Henry IV, Webster's The White Devil, Pericles; dissimulation)      


Styan, J. L. "The Tudor Interlude." In Styan, The English Stage. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996. 60-87.*

_____. "The Elizabethan Theatre." In Styan, The English Stage. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996. 8-117.*

_____. "Jacobean Experiment: Exploding the Form." In Styan, The English Stage. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996. 199-236.*

Sullivan, Garrett A., Jr., Patrick Cheney and Andrew Hadfield, eds. Early Modern English Drama: A Critical Companion. New York: Oxford UP, 2005.

Ward, A. W., and A. R. Waller, eds. The Drama to 1642, Part One.Vol. 5 (English) of The Cambridge History of English and American Literature: An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes. Online at


_____, eds. The Drama to 1642: Part Two. Vol. 6 (English) of The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. Online at


Wells, Stanley. Shakespeare and Co.: Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Dekker, Ben Jonson, Thomas Middleton, John Fletcher and the Other Players in His Story. London: Penguin, 2007.

Wickham, Glynne. "1. Stage and Drama till 1660." In English Drama to 1710. Ed. Christopher Ricks. (Sphere History of Literature in the English Language, 3). London: Sphere Books, 1971. 19-64.*

Wilson, F. P. English Drama 1485-1585. Ed. with a bibliography by G. K. Hunter. Vol. V of The Oxford History of English Literature. (orig. vol. IV part 1). Oxford: Oxford UP.

Wilson, Richard, and Richard Dutton, eds. New Historicism and Renaissance Drama. (Longman Critical Readers). London: Longman, 1994.

Wyatt, A. J. "The English Drama." (Elizabethan). In Wyatt, The Tutorial History of English Literature. 2nd ed. London: Clive, 1901. 38-71.



Early works


The Actors' Remonstrance. Pamphlet. London, 1643.

Addison, Joseph. "English Tragedy." In Addison, Critical Essays from the Spectator: With Four Essays by Richard Steele. Ed. Donald F. Bond. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1970. 210-20.*

Dibdin. History of the Stage. 19th cent.

Dryden, John. Of Dramatic Poesy: An Essay. 1668.

_____. An Essay of Dramatic Poesy. Rev. ed. 1684.

_____. An Essay on Dramatic Poesy. Ed. Thomas Arnold. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1889.

_____. Essay of Dramatic Poesy. Ed. Thomas Arnold, rev. W. T. Arnold. Oxford, 1903.*

_____. "An Essay of Dramatic Poesy." In Essays of John Dryden. Ed. W. P. Ker. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1926.

_____. An Essay of Dramatic Poesy. In The Great Critics. Ed. J. H. Smith and E. W. Parks. New York: Norton, 1932. 255-310.*

_____. An Essay of Dramatic Poesy. In Literary Criticism: From Plato to Dryden. Ed. Gilbert. 601-58.*

_____. Of Dramatic Poesie. In Of Dramatic Poesie and Other Critical Essays. Ed. George Watson. 2 vols. London: Dent, 1962.*

_____. Of Dramatic Poesie. Ed. James T. Boulton. Oxford, 1964.

_____. Of Dramatic Poesy: An Essay. In Dryden, Selected Criticism. Ed. James Kinsley and George Parfitt. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1970. 17-76.*

_____ An Essay of Dramatic Poesy. In Literary Criticism and Theory. Ed. R. C. Davis and L. Finke. London: Longman, 1989. 249-89.*

_____. An Essay of Dramatic Poesy. In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

_____. "An Essay of Dramatic Poesy." Online at Poetry Foundation.*



Flecknoe, Richard. "A Short Discourse of the English Stage." Preface to Love's Kingdom, a Pastoral Tragi-Comedy. 1664.

Genest, John. Some Account of the English Stage. 10 vols.  Bath, 1832.

Gosson, Stephen. The School of Abuse, Conteining a Pleasaunt Invective Against Poets, Pipers, Plaiers, Iesters and Such Like Catepillers of the Commonwelth. 1579.

_____. The School of Abuse. Shakespeare Society, 1841.

_____. Schoole of Abuse. Ed. Edward Arber. (English Reprints). London: Arber, 1868. ( Incl also Short Apology).

_____. The School of Abuse. Norwood (NJ): Walter J. Johnson, 1973.

_____. The Ephemerides of Phialo ... and a short Apologie of the Schoole of Abuse. 1579. In Chambers, The Elizabethan Stage. Oxford, 1923. Vol. 4.

_____. Playes Confuted in Five Actions. London, 1581-2.

_____. Playes Confuted in Five Actions. Ed. Arthur Freeman. New York: Garland, 1972.

_____. From Playes Confuted in five Actions. 1582. In The Elizabethan Stage, by E. K. Chambers. Oxford: Clarendon, 1923. 3.213-19.

Hazlitt, William. Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. 1820.

Hazlitt, William Carew, ed. The English Drama and Stage under the Tudor and Stuart Princes, 1543-1664. 1869. Rpt. New York, 1964.

Heywood, Thomas.  An Apology for Actors.  London: Cartwright, 1612. 

_____. An Apology for Actors. London: Shakespeare Society, 1841.

_____. An Apology for Actors. Select. in Literary Criticism from Plato to Dryden Literary Criticism: Plato to Dryden. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1962.553-64. 

_____. An Apology for Actors. In The English Stage: Attack and Defense 1577-1730. New York and London, 1973.

Lamb, Charles. "Elizabethan Drama." In Lamb's Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1923. 15-33.*

Langbaine, Gerard. An Account of the English Dramatick Poets. Oxford, 1691.

_____. Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets. Rev. ed. of Account of the English Dramatick Poets . Ed. Gildon. 1699.

_____. The Lives and Characters of English Dramatik Poets. New York: AMS Press, 1976.

Prynne, William. Histrio-Mastix, the Players Scourge, etc. 1633. Rpt. in The English Stage: Attack and Defense 1577-1740. Ed. Arthur Freeman. New York: Garland, 1974.

Rainoldes, John. Overthrow of Stage Plays. 1593. 1599. 1629.

Scott, Walter. Lives of Eminent Novelists and Dramatists. London: Frederick Warne, 1887.

Ward, Adolphus W. A History of English Dramatic Literature to the Death of Queen Anne. 3 vols. 1899.


See also Attacks on drama.





Agnew, Jean-Christophe. Worlds Apart: The Market and the Theater in Anglo-American Thought, 1550-1750. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986.

Akrigg, G. P. V. Jacobean Pageant or The Court of King James I. 1962.

Altman, Joel. The Tudor Play of Mind: Rhetorical Inquiry and the Development of Elizabethan Drama. Berkeley: U of California P, 1978.

Armstrong, W. A. "Actors and Theatres." In Shakespeare in his Own Age. Shakespeare Survey 17 (1964).

Astington, John H. "Playhouses, Players, and Playgoers in Shakespeare's Time." In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare. Ed. Margreta De Grazia and Stanley Wells. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001. 99-114.*

Axton, Marie. The Queen's Two Bodies: Drama and the Elizabethan Succession. London, 1977.

Baker, George P. "6. The Plays of the University Wits." In The Drama to 1642, Part One. Ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Vol. 5 (English) of The Cambridge History of English and American Literature: An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes. Online at (Lyly, Peele, Greene, Lodge, Nashe).


Baker, Howard. Induction to Tragedy: An Study in Development of Form in Gorboduc, The Spanish Tragedy and Titus Andronicus. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1939.

Barber, C. L. Creating Elizabethan Tragedy: The Theater of Marlowe and Kyd. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1988.

Barton, Anne. "The London Scene: City and Court." In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare. Ed. Margreta De Grazia and Stanley Wells. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001. 115-28.*

_____. Ben Jonson, Dramatist. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1984.

Bawcutt, N. W. The Control and Censorship of Caroline Drama: The Records of Sir Henry Herbert, Master of the Revels, 1623-73. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

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Belsey, Catherine. The Subject of Tragedy: Identity and Difference in Renaissance Drama. London and New York: Methuen, 1985.

Bevington, David, and Peter Holbrook, eds. The Politics of the Stuart Court Masque. 1998.

Bentley, Gerald Eades. The Profession of Dramatist in Shakespeare's Time 1490-1642. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1971.

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_____. University Drama in the Tudor Age.

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Thorndike, A. Introd. to Minor Elizabethan Drama. 2 vols. (Everyman's Library, 491-2). London: Dent; New York: Dutton. (Vol. 1, Tragedy: Norton and Sackville, Gorboduc; Kyd, Spanish Tragedy; Peele, David and Bethsabe; Arden of Feversham; Vol. 2, Comedy: Udall, Ralph Roister Doister; Lyly, Endimion; Peele, Old Wives' Tale; Greene, Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay; etc.).

Whitworth, C., ed. Three Sixteenth-Century Comedies. (The Old Wives' Tale, Gammer Gurton's Needle, Ralph Roister Doister). (New Mermaid Series). London: E. Benn.







Bragg, Melvyn, et al. "Elizabethan Revenge." Audio. BBC 4 (In Our Time) 18 June 2009.*









Baker, David E. The Companion to the Playhouse. 2 vols. 1764.

Baker, D. E., Isaac Reed, and Stephen Jones. Biographia Dramatica: or, a Companion to the Playhouse. 3 vols. 1812.

Corbin, Peter, and Douglas Sedge, eds. An Annotated Critical Bibliography of Jacobean and Caroline Comedy. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1988.

García Landa, José Angel. "Renaissance English Drama." From A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology. Online at Scribd (Taibur Rahaman) 3 Dec. 2014.*


_____. "Bibliografía del teatro inglés del Renacimiento." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 4 Dec. 2014.*


Wagonheim, Sylvia Stoler, ed. The Annals of English Drama 975-1700. London: Routledge, 1990.









Nungezer, Edwin. A Dictionary of Actors and of Other Persons Associated with the Public Presentation of Plays in England Before 1642. New Haven: Yale UP, 1929.









Feuillerat, A. Documents Relating to the Office of the Revels in Time of Queen Elizabeth. Vol. 21 of Materialen zur Kunde des älteren Englischen Dramas. Gen. ed. W. Bang.

Foakes, R. A., and R. T. Rickert, eds. Henslowe's Diary. (Philip Henslowe). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1961.

Pollard, Tanya, ed. Shakespeare's Theater: A Sourcebook. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003.

Streitberger, W. R. Jacobean and Caroline Revels Accounts, 1603-1642. Oxford, 1986.





Internet resources



Before Shakespeare: The Beginnings of London Commercial Theatre 1565-1595.*



"London Theatres." From Trussler's Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre.



Staging the Henrician Court







Early Theatre: A Journal Associated with the Records of Early English Drama.

Ed. Helen Ostovich.

Department of English.

McMaster U, Hamilton,

Ontario L8S4L9,


Vol. 2 (1999).


The Elizabethan Theatre 14 (1996).


Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England 5 (1991).


Renaissance Drama

Northwestern UP

Vol. 21 (1990)








Jonson, Ben. "Prologue to Every Man In His Humour." Bartleby.*


Marston, John. Histrio-Mastix. Or, THE PLAYER whipt. London: Printed [by George Eld] for Th. Thorp., 1610. Online facsimile at the Internet Archive.*











(English Dramatists). Houndmills: Macmillan, c. 1998.


(Globe Quartos). London: Hern, c. 1998.


(Malone Society Reprints). Oxford: Oxford UP, c. 1914.


(Regents Renaissance Drama Series). London: Arnold, c. 1968.


(The Revels Plays). London: Methuen, 1964.








Malone Society (Renaissance drama). Dr. Martin Wiggins. Shakespeare Institute. Church Street. Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6HP.



See also Shakespeare, William; Marlowe, Christopher; Fletcher, John; Chapman, George; Jonson, Ben; Lyly, John; Beaumont, Francis; Middleton; Massinger; Dekker; Webster.

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Un ensayo de Miguel de Unamuno sobre la teatralidad, el dramatismo de la vida cotidiana, y el mundo como teatro. Viene del segundo tomo de s...