_____. "Resurrección simbólica de Hamlet Shakespeare." Net Sight de José Angel García Landa 4 Jan. 2023.*
_____. "Resurrección simbólica de Hamlet Shakespeare." Net Sight de José Angel García Landa 4 Jan. 2023.*
Doctor Faustus at Shakespeare's Globe (2011):
And elsewhere:
Según Charles Darwin, El origen del hombre y la selección sexual, Austral, p. 523-24:
El faisán argo (fig. 52) proporciona un caso mucho más notable. Las plumas alares secundarias, desarrolladas de forma inmensa, están limitadas al macho, y cada una está adornada con una hilera de veinte a veintitrés ocelos, de unos tres centímetros de diámetro. Dichas plumas están asimismo elegantemente marcadas con bandas oblicuas y filas de manchas de un color oscuro, como la piel de un tigre y un leopardo combinadas. Estos hermosos adornos están escondidos hasta que el macho se exhibe ante la hembra. Entonces endereza la cola, expande sus plumas alares en un gran abanico o escudo circular, casi vertical, que se coloca frente al cuerpo. Cuello y cabeza se sitúan a un lado, de manera que quedan ocultos por el abanico, pero el ave, con el fin de ver a la hembra ante la que se está exhibiendo, a veces introduce la cabeza entre dos de las largas plumas alares (tal como ha visto mister Bartlett), y entonces adopta un aspecto grotesco. Éste debe ser un hábito frecuente en el ave en estado natural, porque mister Bartlett y su hijo, al examinar algunas pieles perfectas enviadas desde Oriente, encontraron un lugar entre dos de las plumas que estaba muy deshilachado, como si la cabeza se hubiera introducido frecuentemente allí. Mister Woods cree que el macho también puede mirar a hurtadillas a la hembra por un lado, más allá del borde del abanico.
Shakespeare y los cien clones: https://personal.unizar.es/garciala/publicaciones/CienClones.pdf
¿Por qué pensamos que ser cuidadoso equivale siempre a insinceridad, mientras que ser agresivo es sinónimo de decir la verdad? Muchas de las supuestas declaraciones de políticos sin pelos en la lengua están pensadísimas, diseñadas por estrategas, guionizadas y teatralizadas. pic.twitter.com/wtFTAqZc5H
— Irene Vallejo (@irenevalmore) September 23, 2024
_____. "En la raja." Net Sight de José Angel García Landa 4 Jan. 2023.*
La escafandra y la mariposa (Aspectos metaficcionales) https://personal.unizar.es/garciala/publicaciones/escafandraymariposa.pdf
Bomber Harris. TV docudrama. By Don Shaw. Cast: John Thaw, Bernard Kay, Roy Spencer, John Nettleton, Sophie Thompson, Bill Monks, Julian Harries, Phil Brown, Roger Alborough, Elspeth Charlton, Robert Hardy, Richard Heffer, Frank Mills, Colin Higgins, Roger Llewellyn, Frederick Treves, David Healy, Charles Kay, David Quilter, Bob Sherman, Ronald Fletcher. Historical adviser Norman Longmate. Technical adviser Denis G. Bateman. Prod. Manager Alan Charlesworth. Prod. Innes Lloyd. Dir. Michael Darlow. BBC, 1989. Online video. YouTube (shay1000100) 29 Nov. 2023.* (Arthur Harris, Commander in Chief of the RAF's Bomber Squad, 2nd WW).
Teoría paranoica de la observación mutua: La interacción estratégica según Goffman
Actuaciones: Notas sobre el primer capítulo de 'The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life', de Erving Goffman: https://personal.unizar.es/garciala/publicaciones/Actuaciones.pdf
Contando cómo le paramos los pies: https://personal.unizar.es/garciala/publicaciones/Contandocomo.pdf
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Rodríguez, Laura. "Enrique de Diego presenta su nuevo libro Letizia satánica y adúltera. ¿Quién es Marina Abramovich?" Video interview. YouTube (Laura Rodríguez) 3 May 2024.* (Érika Ortiz, Jaime del Burgo, Felipe VI).
Ebert, Christopher. "Earth Game and the Enheduanna Model: A Data Backed Method for Producing Prosocial Effects through Narrative." Academia (Christopher Ebert) 2024.*
Le Procès Goldman (The Goldman Case). Dir. Cédric Kahn. Written by Nathalie Hertzberg and Cédric Kahn. Cast: Arieh Worthalter , Arthur Harari, Stéphan Guérin-Tillié, Nicolas Briançon, Aurélien Chaussade, Christian Mazzuchini, Jeremy Lwin, Jerzy Radziwilowicz, Chlogé Lecerf, Laetitia Masson. Prod. Benjamin Elalouf. Canal+ / Moonshaker Films. France, 2023. DailyMotion (PicturePerfectChannel). 2024. (Pierre Goldman, a far-left militant who was accused of 4 murders and his relationship with his lawyer Georges Kiejman).
"El Efecto Mateo y la calidad retroactiva."
El mercado de la atención, al alza: https://www.academia.edu/63990310/
Retropost, 2014:
That's one of the big questions playwright Jennifer Haley ''05 MFA poses in The Nether,
a half sci-fi, half police-procedural drama that debuted at Kirk
Douglas Theatre in Los Angeles in 2013. It won the 2012 Susan Smith
Blackburn Prize, and the Los Angeles Times described it as a
"daring new drama" that "should have everyone squirming in their
seats." Following on the heels of Haley's play Neighbourhood 3: Requisition of Doom, in which a violent video game becomes real-life for a quiet suburban town, The Nether continues Haley's exploration of the real-world damage that results when we unleash our darkest desires in cyberspace.
Haley says the inspiration for The Nether came from playwright
Paula Vogel, who was on the Brown faculty while Haley was earning and
MFA: write what your hate, Vogel advised. Haley hated TV police
procedurals such as Law & Order and CSI. She also hated pederasts. "I thought, what's the worst thing someone can do? It was all an academic exercise."
In The Nether, a female detective faces off against the
businessman who runs the virtual pedophilic playground called The
Hideaway. During the interrogation at the police Station, the two
debate the risks this new form of online entertainment poses. "You're
telling them their desires are not only acceptable, but commendable!"
exclaims the detective. "And in an entertainment that can scarcely be
differentiated from real life!"
"As long as they don't do it in real life, who cares?" Sims, the
businessman, fires back. "I've read the studies. No one has been able
to draw a conclusive correlation between virtual behavior and
behavior-in-world." Haley says she's agnostic on whether the web is
changing us for the worse or the better. "I can's speak to whether one
becomes a fundamentally different person or whether one's personality
changes," she says. By The Nether's end great damage has been done, but the reasons and the blame are ambiguous.
After its summer run in London, The Nether will be produced next February in New York City at the off-Broadway MCC Theater. Haley wrote for the Netflix TV series Hemlock Grove
last winter and hopes to continue. Meanwhile, she's at work on another
play based on online identities—a woman spots her ex-lover in a video
game and goes in search of him.
David Hare, Licking Hitler. Cast: Bill Paterson, Kate Nelligan, Hugh Fraser, Brenda Fricker, Clive Revill. Director: David Hare. BBC, 1977. Online at YouTube (CIDrama14) 26 March 2014.*
YouTube (Seitreu Hagen) 20 March 2023.*
Retropost, 2014:
Equipos y sujetos (al equipo): El actor social forma parte de una compañía dramática."
Four Daughters (Arabic: بنات ألفة, romanized: Banāt Olfa, French: Les Filles d'Olfa, lit. 'Olfa's Daughters') is a 2023 Arabic-language documentary[3] film directed by Kaouther Ben Hania. After two daughters of a Tunisian mother disappeared, the filmmaker invites professional actresses to compensate for the loss. The film is an international co-production between France, Tunisia, Germany and Saudi Arabia.
Más sobre simulación, detección y autoengaño: https://www.academia.edu/35025761/
El interlocutor interiorizado: https://personal.unizar.es/garciala/publicaciones/interlocutorinter.pdf
—a lecture by Stephen Greenblatt, with performances at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.
The Origin of the Human Mind in Infant Dramatism: https://www.academia.edu/35827813/
"The Fundamental Things Apply'—La comedia romántica: Renovarse y vivir."