miércoles, 3 de julio de 2024

The Cuban episode

A psychodrama with 5 main characters: Ernest Hemingway, Adriana Ivancich, Dora Ivancich, Mary Welsh Hemingway and Gianfranco Ivancich:


"The Cuban episode presented a psycho-drama with five characters in the style of playwright Tennessee Williams: The main actor reduced to a tragic, ridiculous figure; the young girl, fascinated by the world famous writer, letting herself being exploited as the object of desire, not fully understanding the consequences; the mother irresponsibly supporting her daughter in her role; the wife, accepting the impossible situation, and losing part of her self-respect; the brother profiting as a substitute of love. And there is the general public that can follow what happens on the scene and backstage."

From Jobst C. Knigge,

Hemingway's Venetian Muse Adriana Ivancich: A Contribution to the Biography of Ernest Hemingway. New version 2012. Online at e-doc Server - Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.*


Je viens faire mon personnage

Según Bossuet, citado por Jean d'Ormesson (Et moi je vis toujours, 167):

C'est bien peu de chose que l'homme, et tout ce qui a fin est bien peu de chose. Il n'y a que le temps de ma vie qui me fait différent de ce qui ne fut jamais. J'entre dans la vie avec la loi d'en sortir, je viens faire mon personnage, je viens me montrer comme les autres; après, il faudra disparaître.

Techo del Teatro Romano